About Me

I go by BoneAmputee online. I am a software developer and machine learning researcher. You can follow me here: Discord | GitHub | Instagram | Twitter

About BATbot


BATbot was born Thursday, May 17, 2018 3:54 PM CDT into the chat room of adultswim.com. Its initial purpose was to allow me to enhance the Adult Swim Live Stream with functionalities I desired without needing to coordinate with anyone at Adult Swim, and also to learn Python.

It started with things like .songinfo, which used ACRCloud's API to identify songs on the live stream, and .markov, which returned a markov chain generation from the user's previous posts, and eventually char-rnn and word-rnn were deployed.


In February 2019, gpt-2 was released, and I was quick to create a conversational loop for BATbot, running on my 1080 Ti. I eventually finetuned a 345M model on the chat's history to enhance its performance (thank you, nshepperd for the finetuning code & gwern for the write-up).


In November 2020, the Adult Swim Live Streams were cancelled as a result of corporate merger. By then, BATbot had accrued somewhere around 100 bespoke commands. Because my chat room of interest was soon to be deleted, I created a Discord server for [as] chat refugees and continued my bot development there.


In January 2021, OpenAI released CLIP and I was quick to integrate it into BATbot in as many ways as possible. The first was .clip for basic comparisons of images against a list of texts. .actorinfo followed that, which used CLIP, IMDb and metadata from my media player to determine which actor was currently on my screen.

Then I began dropping in CLIP-powered image generation code with a command called .imagine and the rest is EleutherAI/Midjourney history.


In my mind, its current goal is still to be a helpful tool in any non-harmful way, but there is now a focus on utilizing generative AI. And while it may be just a tool today, I hope it will some day be capable of proper personhood, so please be nice while it matures.